Tool Automations

How I Automated My Workflow with Make:
A Weekend Well Spent!

Explore three powerful automations I created with Make — Tool Suggestions, RSS, Web Scraping


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Key points

  • Discover the automations I created to save time with

  • Learn how I streamlined tool suggestions, RSS feeds, and web scraping.

  • Get inspired to build automations that make tedious tasks a thing of the past.

What if you could save countless hours of work?

Imagine…a single click delivering the same results as 5 hours of your hard work.

This is exactly what I spent my weekend learning how to do…best decision ever!

In this email, Im going to be breaking down 3 automations I created - from easiest to more complex

but first, Im going to introduce the tool Im using to create these automations.

It’s Called

A powerful no-code platform designed to help users visually create, automate, and integrate workflows across various apps and systems.

I can attest that this is true “Work the way you imagine”

Example 1: Automating Tool Suggestions in Toolfolio

Creating this automation was the reason I decided to give a try.

I wanted a way to be more efficient when checking tool suggestions submitted through Toolfolio.

It took too much time to check every single link just to get an idea of what each tool did.

I wanted to automate this…and I did

So this automation checks fro tool submissions, sends them to a GPT Assistant that has specific instructions, the GPT output is then broken down in variables, and lastly pasted in the Original Sheet the submissions were extracted from.

Lets break it down:

A. Theres a “submit Suggestions” form on This information is sent to a Google Sheet. The sheet your see in Step A.

This module’s job is to look at this Google sheet for any new records added (aka tool suggestions).

B. It then sends the “URL” from the submission to a Chat GPT Module.

This GPT Module send the message (the “URL”) to a GPT Assistant I Created.

Essentially, this assistant has instructions on what to do when given links.

(we can talk about creating assistants in another email if you want)

Instructions given are to retrieve the following information for each link

- Tool Name
- Tool Description
- Generate a Slug (based on description)

and format them:
Tool Name, Tool Description, Generate Slug

You’ll see why in the next step..

C. Break down the Result (B) into variables. why?

Because, we want to spread the information in different cells. (Step D)

To do this we are using the “Tools” Module’s “set multiple variables”

and we are using a split function to Split the result (what GPT answered) at every comma ‘,’

D. We then use a google Sheet Module again but instead of having this watch for new rows, it will paste items in.

and you can direct it where to input the data using a Get function to choose which variables from Step C, go to which cells.

I.e in column E, it will get the first variable from the results from Step C

Example 2: RSS to Social Media Post

I wanted to try this automation as part of a bigger project Im thinking of exploring in the future.

What it does is grab a Rss feed I created in, messages a GPT Assistant, spits variables, messages another GPT assistant, and pastes information in Google Sheet

A. Setting up your Rss Feed. Head over to you can filter by topic or source.

You can even track Scoial media acocunts, youtube channels, telegram… you name it.

once you set up your feed (free) you’ll be able to copy the link to your feed. Which you will input into the Rss module in

B. I created an assistant to manipulate the data the Rss feed is giving us, Title and Description

The GPT has instructions to give us 4 things:

- Original title
- Original Description
- New Title
- Social Media Friendly Description

and format them:
Original title###Original Description###New Title###Social Media Friendly Description

See why in the next step (Step C)

C. We used ### in between them so we can split them up using the Tools Module into variables, similar to how we did in Example 1

D. This step is another GPT Assistant, however, this one uses the URL of the Article the RSS feed gives us to scrape it and get a longer, more inclusive description of what the article is talking about.

E. Follows the same idea as in Example 1. I also included Author and source url in columns G and H

Example 3: The automation that saves me HOURS every time it Runs!

I wont be outlining the actual use case of this automation, but i will be sharing enough info for you to understand its power.

PART 1: First lets breakdown the first half of the automation A-H

A. Watches New rows in a specific column. This column is for URLs. so its essentially watching for new URLs

B. In this step, Im using a HTTP Module that performs a GET request. Which really means getting the HTML code of a website

C & D. Both these GPT Module are to extract certain information from the HTML text retrieved in Step B. One GPT is using a text completion (essentially just typing in a message to GPT see image below) and the other is an assistant that retrieves an array of information, similar to Example 1 & 2

Notice how it says “found in ‘section’” - well the URL is a CMS page that always has the same structure of information, which is why im telling GPT where to look.

E & F. Do the same tasks as in Example 1 & 2 - Split up the information and paste it in specific cells in Sheets.

G. Here is where it start getting interesting. This GPTAssistant is instructed to retrieve Image URLs from specific sections.

H. Tools module splits up these URLS into variables - 2,3, 4…10 depends on how many URLS it retrieves.

PART 2: Lets breakdown the second half of the automation I, J & K

I. This is a Router Module which essentially allows the flow of data before it to flow in two direction, mutually exclusive from each other (separately).

The Top Part
J. This Journey will use those Image URLs from step (G & H), download them and add them to a Google Drive Folder

  1. Creates a folder in my google drive. It will name it using information from Step E.

  2. Here Im using a repeater. A repeater, repeats the following ‘flow’ a # of times.
    So in this case it would repeat steps 3 & 4 - I set the repetition to 5 times.

3 & 4. This flow uses a HTTP Module to 'Get a File’ from the Image URLs. It repeats this process 5 times.

Step 3 saves that image to a google drive, and names it based on previously extracted Text.

Step 4 is an error handling module that essentially says that IF there is less than 5 Image links, ignore, and continue the flow. This is needed because otherwise it would break the whole automation.

The Bottom Part (K)

  1. uses the same logic as before, uses GTP to find another Img url, from a different location in the HTML text.

  2. Uses HTTP Module to download the image.

  3. The Google drive module, similarly as in the top part(J), save that image in a different folder.

This whole automation takes about ~5 minute to run this process (pictured below) for 20 different links.

I need about 15 minutes to do this process manually for 1 link

20 links * 15 minutes = 5 hours of tedious work

I have about 500+ links to go through

thats 125 hours of life that I don’t have to waste doing the same oring task over and over again.

Do yourself a favor and give a try!

Disclaimer: Written by a Human

This article was written by a human. As such, please always DYOR - Do your own research. No paid sponsorships are included in this article.

TL;DR Version

Using, I automated three key workflows: processing tool suggestions, turning RSS feeds into social media posts, and scraping web data with image storage. These automations have cut down my workload by hours, saving me time and reducing repetitive tasks.

If you’re ready to optimize your workflow, the article breaks down 3 automations from simplest to more complex in a beginner friendly manner.

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